

Ovaltine Malted Food Drink Tin – 400 g

Original price was: ₦5,083.00.Current price is: ₦4,420.00.

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Buy Ovaltine Malted Food Drink Tin 400 g at Ovaltine was created in Bern, Switzerland, and was originally known as Ovomaltine. This name was derived from the Latin word for “egg,” “ovum,” and malt, which were originally its main ingredients. As a 116-year-old beverage, it has developed its own personality, class, and identity. It’s adaptable and can be used at any time of day. It has an authentic taste and a hypnotic aroma. The atmosphere changes when the chocolatey powder is poured into a ceramic cup filled with steaming hot water. It also provides numerous health benefits due to its high concentration of vitamins and minerals. When combined with fat-free milk, 170 calories per serving provides 35% of your daily calcium requirements as well as a boost of Vitamins A, C, E, iron, and B vitamins. Ovaltine, like a glass of warm milk, has well-known sedative properties, making it ideal for drinking before bed. sells Ovaltine Malted Food Drink Tin 400 g. We’re all familiar with starting the day with a steaming cup of cocoa. These delicious chocolatey food drinks fill us up and provide us with the energy and nutrients we need to get through our busy days. We know our day is off to a good start when the cocoa powder melts into the hot water and we stir it up. We at hot chocolate, and we know you do as well. Who doesn’t enjoy a hot cup of cocoa? Whether you drink it for breakfast or as a nighttime soother, it will fill you up and make you feel warm on the inside. The majority of hot chocolate drinks are made with cocoa powder and are commercially available in tins, packets, or individual sachets. There is no need for a recipe; simply add some cocoa powder to a mug, pour in hot water, add milk and sugar as needed, and stir. If you don’t know where to buy Ovaltine Malted Food Drink Tin 400 g It may also be worthwhile to conduct a search for best choice supermarket, best stop supermarket, best supermarket in Lagos, best value supermarket, closest supermarket to me, complete kitchen utensil set, how to save at the supermarket, online supermarket, supermarket delivery Lagos, supermarket delivery near me, supermarket home delivery, supermarket in Lagos, supermarket in Nigeria. The answer is: not much if you buy from is the perfect site for shopping because it always has low prices and huge discounts. You can order online and get same day delivery in Lagos.


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